How To Renew Your Startimes Subscription Online

Do you know that you can now pay for your Startimes subscription online without going to their office? If your Startimes subscription has expired and you are kinda tired of going to their office to renew your subscription, don't worry you can still renew your subscription at your convenience using Quickteller or ATM.

Quickteller has really simplified the payment process for Nigerians by making it easy for you to pay your Startimes subscription on, at the ATM or on the Quickteller app. In one of my previous post here, i wrote about How to use Quickteller app to pay for anything online successfully. It is so easy.

Pay for startimes subscription online

To Renew Your Startimes Subscriptions Via
=> Visit 
=> Click on the Make Payments tile 
=> Then click on the Select a Service Category drop down arrow
=> Select Cable TV Bills 
=> Click on the Startimes tile 
=> Now enter your Smartcard NumberEmailMobile Number and the Amount
=> Click "Continue" and continue payment 
=> Alternatively, you can just go to: Enter your details and make your payment.

To Renew Your Startimes Subscription Via ATM 
=> Go to the ATM
=> Insert your card 
=> Select Quickteller, then Pay bills 
=> Choose your account type. Savings, current or credit
=> Select Others 
=> On the screen that asks for Merchant Code', enter 240534 as the merchant code
=> On the screen that asks for 'Customer Reference', enter your Smartcard Number
=> Select PROCEED to accept the amount displayed
=> Follow prompts to complete the transaction

To Renew Your Startimes Via The Quickteller App 
=> Launch the App from your phone
=> Select Make a Payment 
=> Select Cable TV Bills 
=> Select Startimes Payments 
=> Enter your Smartcard Number and Amount
=> Click Next and complete payment 

Remember that the Startimes bouquets and their respective monthly subscriptions are as follows:
=> Basic Bouquet: N1000 
=> Classic Bouquet: N2000 
=> Unique Bouquet: N3000 

I hope this info helps? feel free to share this post with your friends using the like/share buttons. You can also subscribe to my blog below for more tips delivered to your inbox. Thank you.


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